Repaint or wrap, what’s the best option?
When your car looks rusty and worn down it’s time for a new look; The question on the table is, Repaint, or wrap?
Well, we feel that between repaint or wrap- the answer is always WRAP. “But wait.. when I paint my car I get rid of the factory look, isn’t that what recoloring always does?” WRONG! We get why you would think this though, so it’s okay! When you paint a car, you’re actually ‘repainting it’. Unless you use the exact same color for touch-ups, a change in the color of paint absolutely means removal of the old paint. . With paint, the whole vehicle is sanded down and the old paint is destroyed/removed in this process. With a wrap, you get the option of changing to a unique new look without eliminating your car’s current one. Statistically speaking, factory paint on a car keeps its resale value higher than aftermarket jobs, especially with unique styles. Even if the paint job costs an arm and a leg, most people are after something more well-rounded and less specific they can call their own. Wraps can be removed as easily as they are applied, revealing your car’s stock appearance underneath!
That’s because Wrapping is an alternative method to painting for changing the way the surface of your vehicle (or vessel) looks! The process involves cleaning the surfaces of your car until they’re spotless and dry. Then our wrap techs take your chosen design or style, measure, and cut the appropriate amount of 3m High-quality semi Adhesive Vinyl material. This is then tightly ‘wrapped’ around the individual surface of the vehicle to create a seamless, flush new look. Just like that, and without any painting your car looks like your dream color/style combination!
“Ok so what else?”
Well, along with the fact that you don’t remove your car’s old look in favor of the new one, it’s also awesome to know you’re actually protecting it! Pebbles, gravel, rocks, dirt, water, sand, and other erosion elements will assault your vehicle on trips down the highway, but this time rather than hit your paint job, the wrap absorbs these impacts thus leaving your car’s surfaces unharmed!
“Sound good, but what about getting a rare color or look that really suits me?”
Wraps offer WAY WAY more variety and potential when choosing a new look for your car than paint ever could! In our opinion, the best of all the reasons to wrap your vehicle is the choices you have! Paint has come a long way and there are some cool options, but not nearly as many as the nearly infinite options with wraps. Graphics, complex images, crazy new color blends styles, and glosses all not possible with paint can be done using a wrap!
You’ll never have to worry about installation with our Car Wrap Service. The process is performed by highly trained technicians that know the job inside and out. We take the extra time to make sure every angle and contour is perfectly applied. Maintenance is basically the same as a regular paint job too! The only exception is that you should avoid pressurized car washing, as the extra pressure will cause the vinyl wrap to wrinkle up. It is commonplace to expect a Well Maintained wrap to last 7 years or more! when it comes time to switch, we can help you remove the old and jump right into the new as well. Some come on into Florida Car Wraps today and see why you’ll never want paint again!
Related Media: Personalize your Car with Weston Vehicle Wraps!